There is a sickness spreading and carried like the moist winds of the Amazon. There a tumor growing grow the size of mountains, crushing us from inside. We are in dire situation, we are in a drowning within a toxic state, we are gasping for breath amongst the filth of our selfish minds hearts and minds.
And it it killing US...
One by one more of us will die, too soon, too angry, and too regretful. For all of us are alive, yet wallow in self doubt and destruction in pain not willing to do what it takes to ease our pain. Cancer; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual is killing. It is killing us quicker than ever, we need to step back and change our ways, we need to see the light and the state of dismay that were are truly in.
We need to see where we went wrong, what decisions made us do what we did, and what choices we will make today and tomorrow. Stop, Stop, Stop and Look! Stop and Listen. Look for love, look for peace, look for understanding, and forgiveness. Listen for laughter, listen for joyful hearts and sing their song. What beautiful music can be made, when people are singing the same song.
Less is less and more is more, is more, so much more. - we want more, we need more, we need to dream more. Everyday, More! Ask your self this question - what will you have to sacrifice, how much are you willing to give, how far will you go.
Who would you ask... , who would you ask... who would you ask to help you help yourself help others to help others help themselves? For if we helped others help themselves to help other help themselves this beautiful planet would be...
Cancer free.
This poem is dedicated to Sandra my mother who is winning and will survive to help others help themselves to help others help themselves!