Today I discovered something fabulous!
While messing around with my iPhone I turned on the bluetooth on for the first time in a while and I noticed that with bit a practice I was able to successfully pair my iPhone to the apple branded wireless keyboard!
Lets test it out! - So far so good, lets keep going...
I really like being able to write emails with the bluetooth keyboard and have spell check built in to the iphone. This makes it really super easy to keep in touch with people and reply in length quickly while on the road without a laptop.
It also seem that the "eject" button toggles the on screen keyboard. You can adjust the volume of the phone via the volume controls on the keyboard. Also Brightness, ipod control "play/pause", previous and next songs.
You can use the arrow keys, command all, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo.
Tomorrow I will see if there have been any added improvements to the video output. And see if I can find a nice case with a kickstand for making this process and bit more comfortable.
Note: This entire blog entry was written in Mail on the iPhone copied, and pasted into blogger using Safari all on the iPhone. How cool is that!
Damien Miller